Continues ~with Wings~ (4/14)

Last Saturday (4/14), I went to watch Yuzuru Hanyu’s self-produced show,

Continues ~with Wings~ !

It took me around 4 hours to arrived at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, and another 2 hours to queue for the day ticket (当日券)-but, it’s all worth it!! It was a great show!

I bought Stand B ticket which cost ¥6000 (I’ve spent too much already for this month so yeah…), but luckily I got seats right in the middle of the arena! Here’s the view from my seats looked like.

CiONTU mikisphere 3

Before the show started, they played SEIMEI together with laser show. I completely had no idea how moving it was to listen to that song together with the claps and cheers from thousands of people.

No words could exactly best describe the show (yeah maybe because it’s my first time to watch such an ice show), but really, it was that great. My favorite parts were Shae-Lynn Bourne’s Bom Bom, Takahito Mura’s Evermore, and of course, the three programs of Yuzu! The Mission Impossible one is sooooo awesome!

And the other great part is, in the technique corner they introduce hydroblade, my all-time favorite technique!! Mura’s doing the demonstration, and Yuzu being a little evil by telling him to do it more deeply. Then Mura said there’s also another version of it, which use elbow instead of hands—and he demonstrated it. And Yuzu asked what’s next, maybe one that use shoulder. And Mura said then with his whole body—in other words, he falls lol.

There’re plenty of hilarious talks (like when Yuzu said he used to want to be ultraman or when he were asked whether his teacher is scary or not) and inspiring talks that drove us to tears (well I won’t say anything about these parts since they’ll broadcast the show on May, it’s maybe better—and will have a deeper impact if you watch it by yourselves, I guess. It truly changed my perception on how we should face challenges in life, for that I’m really grateful for him) but the one that leaves a remark is when he finished 3 of his programs and said, “arigatou~ tsukareta yo <3” to the camera. It was so genuine I probably wont ever forget that :’’’)


Not to mention this epic phrase :”’)

The ending performance was also great, and that’s where Yuzu performed his hydroblade!!

Although we already shouted it out loud in the venue, I’ll say it again, おめでとうございます Keep hanging in there, Yuzu! because you have a really huge potential! Your hardwork, kindness, and perspective of life have inspired us all and we’ll continue on supporting you!

So, that’s all of my impression about the show. Since Japanese is not my mother language (and I’m too overwhelmed that my brain stopped processing things at times), please kindly tell me if I misinterpreted/false translated something about the show! Thanks in advance!

Let’s look forward to the whole broadcast of the show next month!

(official website:

Other shots of the venue are on my IG highlight (@spiritmzu) !

5 thoughts on “Continues ~with Wings~ (4/14)

  1. YAN says:

    Really enjoyed reading your memorable “Continues with Wings ” ice-show experience. Thank you for sharing. Saw video of Day 3 on YouTube. Super sugoi!


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