
Hello there! Welcome to Mikisphere!

Just call me Miki (a.k.a Mzu, in some other links I have. What is a name btw XD) This blog is a space for all my hobbies and things that interest me ๐Ÿ™‚

Some other self-intros about me:

An enthusiast learner who wants to learn nearly everything but never had enough time and brain capacity T_T
Has a lot and wide range of hobbies! My favourites is doing something related to design and music ๐Ÿ˜€ (recently i’m into card tricks too *eh)

I really love Japan! First for the fashion which has endless imagination. Second for the enchanting scenery and historical landscape. Third, for the challenging language. And last but not the least, for the music which give me huge positive energy to conquer tomorrow!

Let’s travel the world together by reading my travel journal on the menu above โค